Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Schwa Show?

No.(?) it couldn't be true! such a fantastical thing couldn't possibly be bestowed upon the world. but it is so. :D

"Disney Channel has picked up the Neal Shusterman book, The Schwa Was Here; Shusterman will be writing the script for the show.

The book is narrated by an eighth-grader named 'Antsy' Bonano, who tells the story of a classmate, Calvin Schwa, who tends to go through life completely unnoticed and unseen, to the point of being invisible, says The Hollywood Reporter"

That's right! one of my favorite books is being turned into a disney channel show! normally, I would say something like "What? another stupid Disney show? why can't they just stick with phil of the future?" But, because this is a fantastic book and the author is writing it, I'm exited out of my ears! can' wait until it's on TV!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I havn't been keeping up to my promise of macaroni pics, so here's a big hi-res photo!

Ha ha!

Episode 2: KABLAM!!!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

District 9....

Hello Cyberspace! It's a beautifuly overcast morning here in sunny California(no joke, I love overcast weather). But this is beside my point of the day. I've been seeing district 9 posters everywhere. And not just you're common bus stop ads or regular posters. take look up top.^

I found that in a bus. not the bus stop. Inside the bus! I also found this one.
is was at the pier where I used to live. You can call me paranoid, but these things are creeping me out. I mean, the normal posters were fine, but this? This takes it a bit too far. I may just have to check it out in further detail.

Also, I plan on having my friend Skywalker on next episode.

Speaking of which, does anybody know how I get chipmunk an' stuff onto iTunes? it's telling me I need the RSS feed URL. how do I get it? if you know, please comment below.

see you later!

EDIT: I tried calling the MNU hotline, and it was really bad connection. I'll see you all another time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I understand that not only does nobody read this blog, but that i've posted 2 posts already today. I'm bored out of my brains. I've been practicing my superfriends brainiac impression and making random batman art, posted here. Why did I draw this, you may be asking? Well, as explained before I'm bored. And, for some odd reason, when I'm bored I do things having to do with either rediculous music or DC Comics superheroes.

In other news, the episode of chipmunk an' stuff posted earlier was actually recorded on saturday. That means that the next episode will be coming on sunday (yay). the only reason the last one wasn't is because I was still getting things configured when it comes to posting it on the internet. and were giving me problems and its going to take me a while to find another free site that Doesn't ask for my address. since I don't really have one...

Anyway, Paradox will be getting a blogger acccount soon, and she'll be able to post here as well.

well, that's all that I can think of right now. Oh, Here's some more random art.

EDIT: I also found the Aladdin script...yeah

Episode 1: Hi!


Bam Bam!!

Hello, Internet!! man it's echoey in here...Well, I'm Solo, Here to post episode of chipmunk an' stuff whenever they come out, as well as pictures of macaroni. :D