Sunday, October 25, 2009

Much ado about nothing

Alright, I've decided the concept of a chipmunk radio show is kinda ridiculous, and by the time it got popular, alvin and the chipmunks 2 would come out, and we look like copy-cats. or, erm... chipmunks.

Anyway, I've decided to change it to a regular talk show. we might have chipmunk episodes, but not every episode like last time. I'm going to talk to my friend, matt, about it. see if he'll be on the show. I think that he'd be good as a talk show host. so, I'll see you all next time!

PS: I drew this. it's character designs for a book I'm writing. Oh, that right! you don't know I'm an author. well I am. and an artist. and a talk show host. and a soda bottler...

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