Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hi, peoples!

yeah, uh... I don't know when we're gonna restart the show. however, I can assure you it'll be the best show posted on this blog! so, that's not so much of a promise, but it's still a promise! In case you only read the first post of blogs (why would someone do that, I don't know), me and paradox had this show we were starting up that was suck and now we're starting up a new show that's 13 times better.

It's been scientifically proven.

anyhoo, in the show, we're gonna pretend to go on adventures and pitch up our voices so we sound like chipmunks. I don't care how "cool" you are, or how important your "image" is to you, everyone loves that chipmunk voice and they think it's hilarious. so, the first episode will be...


what,huh?... oh, sorry. I fell asleep. my post was so boring I couldn't take it anymore...

...! I'll see you later!

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